Monday, February 21, 2011

Half Way

I am 20 weeks along and half way through this pregnancy! We find out next week what we are having. In the beginning Alli used to say it was a brother but for the past while now she says it is a girl. I guess we'll see.... I keep saying either would be great because we want a sister for Alli but also we want a boy at some point.
We are excited!
I have to include a funny story:
Yesterday at church we were sitting behind a cute little family with a two month old baby girl. Allison loved looking at the baby. When the baby got sad I told Allison that she could help make her feel better. I said "you can say it's okay baby, don't be sad". Then I said you can make a funny face which she adorably did. It sure made the mom smile. Then Allison pinched her fingers together and said "awww I have a tiny baby, I eat her"and put her fingers to her lips. Then she said "mom you eat it" and proceeded to put her fingers to my lips and then down to my tummy, and she said "now you have baby in your tummy"! Dave and I looked at each other with big grins and chuckled to ourselves. So cute! We talk about that mommy has a baby in her tummy all the time. I just love so much that we got a little peek into her thoughts.
I must haven eaten a baby and now it's in my tummy :)


Becca said...

My sister-in-law Erin is pregnant right now. Her little boy, Ethan, is almost 4. She was explaining to him how she has a baby in her tummy and how Ethan used to be in her tummy, too. He got really confused, then looked up at her and said, "Mom, why did you eat me?!?!"

Dane and Annie said...

Alli is so cute!!!! give her smoocies from me, and keep us posted on what you re having!

Shalise & Jason Staples said...

So excited for you guys!!! Alli is such a cutie and will be a great big sister.