Monday, April 21, 2008

We have just a handful of names we like. It is so tough to choose. We are open to suggestions. So if there is another name you like let us know. We are getting so excited!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Guess What???

We are going to have a baby GIRL!!! We are so excited. I thought for sure we were having a boy but I guess not. When the tech told us it was a girl I said, "are you sure?", then a few moments later I said, "like a hundred percent?". She said she was 99% sure. I suppose they can't say 100%. So it's a girl. I'm excited for all the girly things to come. Of course she will still learn to play baseball, shoot a basket, and fish among the ballet, sewing, and piano lessons. Just learning everything that a girl should know. Here's to a well rounded little lady!!!