Sunday, November 28, 2010

Warm Before the Storm

On the last somewhat warm day of the year we headed out to the zoo one more time before the cold winter settled in. It was our lucky day because Daddy and Scotty came with us! This was on November 18 and winter came the next day. This day was the warm before the storm. Allison, Uncle Scotty, and Daddy saw baby Zuri and the mama elephant.
Rrrraaawww! Everyone loved watching the tigers. Scott kept saying that the mountain lion and the tiger were eyeing each other and were going to try to attack at any moment. They could see each other and their habitats were neighboring. It was pretty intense to watch them.

My two favorite people in the whole world!
Thanks for the ride Dad!

Saturday, November 27, 2010


My brother Josh married his sweetheart Kira today in the Draper Temple. We are so happy for them! They are perfect for each other and I am thrilled to have another sister! The ceremony was lovely. It was wonderful to see Grandma S. She was enjoying the occasion and was the most spry that we had seen her in a while. Allison looked so pretty in her dress. I couldn't help but take some pictures while we waited for the Bride and Groom. All of the little nieces wore this dress. It was funny that night Dave said, "before this night is over I will end up picking up that other little girl". He was referring to Kira's niece Violet. She and Allison looked like twins! Same age, hair, and dress. They seriously look so much alike. I wish I would have taken their picture.

That night they had a reception at Highland Gardens. They did a great job with the decorations and the food was very good. Everyone had a nice time chatting, dancing, munching, and mingling. It was a very fun party!
Lookin' good!

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. S!We love you!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

This Thanksgiving...

We are thankful for many things...
We are thankful for our precious, sweet daughter Allison.
We are thankful for each other and the love we share.
We are thankful for our families.
We are thankful for good friends.
We are thankful for our jobs.
We are thankful for warm beds.
We are thankful for salt and pepper popcorn.
We are thankful for our faith.
We are thankful for repentance and forgiveness.
We are thankful for peanut butter and chocolate treats.
We are thankful for our parents and all they do for us.
We are thankful the Giants won the World Series.
And we are very thankful that our family is growing....

Baby #2 is due June 26!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Halloween Tricks and Birthday Treats!

To celebrate my mom's birthday and my favorite holiday we had a little Halloween party with my family on the 29th. It was very fun. We made and decorated individual ghost cakes and ate pizza. Kira and mom helped Kim get ready to go to some parties as a vampire. She looked awesome! Cole, Luke, and I played the eat the donut off the string game which is actually kind of difficult to do. We carved pumpkins and played spooky hide-n-seek in the dark with a flashlight. The kiddos loved that and everyone had a great time! Mom, thanks for having a birthday so close to Halloween, it's always a perfect reason to have a very fun party :)

...Cole, Luke, and a little Allison pumpkin...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Phillips Halloween Party

For Halloween we went out to Kim and Jerrod's for the 2nd Annual Phillips Halloween Party. Lot's of fun and treats and great costumes!80's chick, Harley Babe, Fear the Beard
We surprised everyone with Allison's costume! We told them she was going to be Dumbo. She did wear Dumbo to the trunk or treat (another post to come) but come on in this family we knew this costume would be a hit!!! It was sooooo cute. As Grandpa Phillips would say,
"she's the cutest scooter trash I've ever seen".

Everyone had great costumes! The whole night was very, very fun!
Thanks K and J!
Dad-cowboy, Mom-princess, Alli-biker babe, Dave-Fear the Beard aka Brian Wilson, Danielle-pirate, Me-80's chick, Jennifer-flapper, Jenn and Steve-robots, Jerrod-scarecrow, Kimmie-Dorthy.
Can't wait until next year!