Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Last week Allison and I went to the Bees game with the Phillips family. It was the first game of the season for us and it was fun! We love going to baseball games. Allison went on lots of walks around the concourse and field. I took her for a ride on the train that goes around the outside of the field. She loves trains or as she says "choo-choo". Although I think Alli's very favorite part was looking for and seeing Bumble the Bee. She also spent a lot of time pointing out the ball and hanging out with all these great people who love us so much! Thanks Grandpa and Grandma!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Easter 2010

I know it has been over a week now since Easter but I couldn't post pictures until we had some of Allison wearing her Easter dress. You know the one that we bought without even the thought that Easter would be on Conference Sunday and therefore she would not be wearing a dress to church. Duh. Well we just saved it for the following week and then took some pictures.
So Happy Easter Everyone!The Easter bunny brought baskets and Easter treats for all of us, even Grandpa :)
Thanks Easter Bunny!
He must have know that kids shouldn't have too much sugar because all those colorful eggs were empty but they sure did look pretty.
On Saturday the 3rd we celebrated Easter with the Phillips family. We hung out all day, watched basketball, went on an Easter basket hunt, talked, and ate a delicious dinner. The whole day was very fun! Then on Sunday we celebrated with the Spongberg's. We ate dinner, hung out, and Alli went on an Easter egg hunt! What a loved and lucky little girl; between all three Easter Bunny visits she got a lot of fun new things. Thank you!
This is Allison's Easter dress. She wore it to church and looked so pretty!
Sorry we took so long but isn't seeing this cute little face always worth the wait? Oh yeah!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

One Week Anniversary!

The time had come and it was time to move on and so it happened...we traded in my old Civic. Granted it was 10 years old and had 143,000+ miles but still I kinda miss the old girl. It was my college car and beyond. I know that it is not the car I will miss but the great times in my life that are associated with it.
Goodbye old friend. We had a lot of memories together....
But now I feel like I have fully moved into the next phase in my life. There will be so many new memories made with my new car! Someone asked me, "so how does it make you feel" and I said, "well I feel like a Mom". This will be the car I drive to Saturday morning soccer games, put bikes in the back, trek kids to school and ski lessons, take many family road trips, etc. Good times. Not to mention it is a pretty sweet car! I love it! Yea for new cars!!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

A Crazy Night at Our House

sleeping 9pm
awake 11:30pm
burst of energy
remove all bibs from drawer
put jacket on
put vest on
zippers up
zippers down
remove vest
say prayer
cuddle animals
gather bibs into pile
lay on top of pile
energy gone
back to bed
sound asleep until morning