Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Guess Who's Two?

Happy Birthday Allison!We love you sooooo much!
We had a little birthday party for her. This year it was a Winnie the Pooh theme. I thought everything turned out very cute for our little girl's birthday.
We all had lots of fun celebrating YOU!
She loved all her presents.
Time for cake!
Allison you have so many people who love you. They all came to be with you and help celebrate your birthday. You are such a funny, helpful, sweet, playful, lovable girl
and we love you with our whole hearts!

Happy 2nd Birthday!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

July 24, 2010

On Pioneer Day the celebration starts early for our family. It is a family tradition to go see the parade they have downtown in the morning. Allison and I love going to the parade. Dave's love for the parade is still growing. But he is always a good sport and comes along! This year our good friends Shalise and Jason were down from Idaho with their adorable little girl Keira. Alli and Keira are so cute together! Our families love to get together. They came and met us at the parade and it was great to spend a little time with them! Later on we went to Butlerville Days. We went with Jennifer and Mike and a little bit later Jenn came and met us there. Steven's band The Craving was playing that evening. My parents, my sister Kim and some friends of hers came so they could see his show.

They had a little car show there. I am not really into cars but I did think they had some cool ones there. I liked this first one just because of the licence plate :) The red one I really liked. Those kinds of old cars are my favorite. I think they look good and classy!
We can get Alli to give a little smile if we say, "show us your teeth", then we get a little crooked smile. Cutie!
The kids just hanging out waiting for The Craving to start playing.

They put on a great show! We all really like their music.
After his show we ran into my cousin Dane, his wife Annie, and their kids. We sat by them, ate some dinner, and listened to the last band. By then it was dark and the firework began! I love fireworks!!!
We had a great 24th and loved hanging out with everyone!

The Park

A little picnic and a walk in the river.
Exploring, finding rocks and splashing.
These are the things childhood memories are made of....