Sunday, July 11, 2010

Haven't laughed this hard in a long time!

A few weeks ago some of the Phillips girls had a Girls Night Out. We do this maybe once a month or so. Usually we go out to dinner or make something together, indulge in a sweet treat and try to watch a movie. Although we rarely end up watching one. We just like to talk too much, I guess. Well this GNO began like any other. Dianna, Kimmie, Jenn, and I went out to Benihana's. I had never been there before and it was yummy! We then made our way back over to mom's house. As we were going to the store for some ice cream I was informed of Kimmie's evil plan to scare the neighbor girl (Sunni) who she works with. We looked for some sort of play knife at the store but couldn't find anything. Then I saw some scissors and said what if we use one blade of these. The plan grew from there...Ninja Jenn helped tape the one half of the scissors to a broom stick. We were trying to resemble a bamboo stick with a knife on the end because someone had been stabbed while hiking close by and that was what Sunni was afraid of. Mean, we know. :)
Ninja Kimmie was the mastermind of this whole thing! The Phillips and Sunni's backyards are connected so we went back there and Kim tapped the kitchen window with the knife-stick. All these friends came running outside. We were hiding and trying not to laugh while overhearing things like, "it has to be bamboo man" and "man they must be experts"! So funny!
We snuck back inside and waited awhile until everyone went back inside. I, ninja Melanie, wrote a note sloppily with my left hand so it wouldn't look girly. We then stabbed it on the blade and planned our next move.
Don't mess with us!
We got another stick. We were going to ring the bell and leave the knife and note on the porch while at the same time knock on the back kitchen window again. Mom and I were look outs and on my signal Kim and Jenn knocked, rang, and ran! From inside we could see boys running up and down the street looking for people. We were laughing so much!
The note. Creepy... To top of the prank we blocked our number and called her house. Kimmie just breathed loudly into the phone.
Well two days later we went over to tell her it was us. Good thing Sunni has the coolest, funnest parents ever because while we thought they were out of town when we pranked, turns out they were home the whole time. With their big, cute, fun family pranks like this are normal and they are just glad their kids have fun. And Sunni was shocked that it was us! She just graduated high school and never thought three mid-twenties, married girls would do this. She thought it was hilarious and so did we!

Was this... a Flash Back to high school-yes!
An incredibly fun night making memories--YES!

1 comment:

Scott and Tobi said...

Okay fun story and I enjoyed it but what up not even one single picture of Alison. So not you!!!!
Love Aunt Tobi