Sunday, March 22, 2009

What is Happiness...

If anyone is wondering what pure happiness looks like, here it is. Look at that face! :)
I couldn't resist putting both of these pictures up. She brings us such joy and just exudes happiness! Notice the three teeth all on the bottom. We love this little munchkin so much!!!
Aunt Jenn and Alli have matching hair! Too cute!
Busted! Guess who is getting too big/mobile for her vibrating chair... If only my mom wouldn't buckle me in.
Allison is on the verge of crawling! She gets up on her hands and knees and rocks back and forth. She also gets into the push up position. We are amazed how well she can move around. Her techniques mostly consist of the army crawl and getting up on her hands and knees, falling forward, and repeating until she gets to where she wants to go.


Paula said...

She's adorable Melanie!!
Loved that first pic! PURE happiness as only a baby knows how to express! : D

thehaagfamily said...

Awww. Three teeth already :) wow I can not believe how big she is getting. Those pictures sure do show off pure happiness to me.

MegBass said...

HEY Melanie, she is getting so big, I can't believe she is crawling already?!! So short notice, I wanted to invite you to my baby shower on Saturday April 4th, its at 5pm at my moms house. It was supposed to be a couples shower but my husband won't be able to come now so Dave is welcome if he wants! There will be food, please don't worry about a gift, I just would love to see Alli, and you guys too of course!!