Friday, September 23, 2011

Viva Mexico!

I feel so good today! I feel like I am on a mini imaginary vacation. The kids and I slept in a bit today just because we could. We got up and eventually, slowly got ready. I put Benson and Alli into the stroller and went out walking. The weather is amazingly perfect. I want to bottle it and be able to pull it out in January. If only.... But into the sunshine we went. I stopped at a street vendor and bought a carne asada burrito that I brought home with me. With the kids napping and me still warm and red faced (I hate that, wish I just glowed while working out but nope, dang it!) I ate my spicy burrito and drank peach mango coconut water. The combination of carne asada, coconut water, and warmth seriously made me feel like I was on a beach in Mexico. I was imagining the waves crashing and palm trees swaying. This whole day has been a little slice of heaven and it is much appreciated. My little loves are still sleeping and so my mini vacation continues........

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