Monday, August 10, 2009

Grandpa Sanders 90th Birthday Party

On August 9, 2009 my Grandpa Sanders turned 90 years old. The day before his actual birthday our whole family had a birthday party in his honor. It was a pool party and a wonderful celebration. One of the best parts of the evening was when everyone gathered around to tell their favorite memories about the man many call Dad, Grandpa, and Great-Grandpa. Some of the memories mentioned included ice cream outings when we were baptized, playing cards, having sleepovers, playing with tennis balls in the basement, sacrifices made on behalf of their family, sealing a son and his bride, asking for a daughter's hand in marriage, family reunions, time spent together, and feeling incredibly loved. The great love that was shared between my Grandpa and Grandma was also talked about quite a bit. At the end of a long day at home with six kids Grandma would just hug her husband for a while when he came home and the stress of the day would appear to magically melt away. We know Grandma's spirit was with us that day and we all felt her love. They have always been a great example to follow. Their dedication to each other, family, friends, and the church is something we can always remember and strive to live up to. We have been blessed for having known them.
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