My sweet sister-in-law Jenn's mom passed away just over a week ago. She had cancer and twice gave a valiant fight but unfortunately it got the best of her. On Thursday, April 30th her family held a viewing for her. Dave and Allison were there along with Dave's family but I was at work. So Dave calls me and says, guess who we met, I said who? Oh President Monson! There they were and what do you know President Monson came walking in the room. He came because it turns out Jenn's grandfather is a member of the 70, Elder Mack Lawrence. Grandma Phillips was holding her and President Monson came and said hello and touched her cheek. Allison looked at him like he was crazy. Then later he came back again, this time Dave was holding her, and he tickled her cheeks and said how cute she was! This time Allison smiled at him. That a girl!
The next day at Debbie's funeral the Bishop read a letter written and signed by President Monson, President Eyring, and President Uchtdorf. It was very special.
So while we are all sad for Jenn and Steven's loss, our little family gained a memorable experience. We can forever tell Allison that she met and was tickled by our prophet, President Thomas S. Monson.
**I asked Dave, "did you take a picture?", he said he thought about it but thought that under the circumstances it wasn't appropriate. I agree but dang it!