Saturday, July 9, 2011


The day we became a family of four....I was scheduled to have a C-Section and was told to be at the hospital at 8:30am. Dave and I went to the hospital and there we were told that they were swamped and to come back in two hours but to call before we came. So we went home and sat around. We had already done everything we needed to and the house was in perfect order, thanks to nesting, so we didn't know what to do. We called at 10:30 and they said to wait one more hour and be there at 11:30.
Finally our baby was coming!

Hi Benson! What a big boy! He weighed in at 9 lbs 1 oz and 22 inches long. When he was first measured right after the birth they told us 23 inches! But later, on some papers it said 22 inches? So we had our nurse remeasure him so we could know which was the real number. It was 22. The first picture with our new baby boy. We loved him so much!
Below is a picture with our nurse, Margene. She was the best! So nice, sincere, and helpful. We really liked her and she really liked Benson. :)We are so thankful that our sweet boy arrived safe and healthy!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Edit: Benson is 8 weeks old. Blogger is driving me bonkers! It won't let me edit and republish. And I can only publish from the main edit posts page and not when I am actually on the post I have been doing. Make sense, maybe? Any tips let me know. Thanks.